An oasis of biodiversity in the heart of the Algarve


The Alagoas Brancas wetland area, located near the city of Lagoa, is mainly known for its impressive richness of birdlife, with over 143 species of birds recorded. However, many other iconic species of fauna and flora have been recorded here, making up a complex ecological web. Its hydrogeology is also unique: the alluvial aquifer rises to the surface, seasonally flooding this wetland with clear water rich in minerals, and supporting a plant community that is unique in Portugal and extremely rare in the world.

Code of conduct

Be discreet and silent. Avoid noises and attitudes that disturb the animals and plants found here.
Do not throw trash on the path. Keep it with you and deposit it in the appropriate places.
Do not take any plant samples or rocks with you.
Follow only the marked trails: avoid trampling the area, as you could be destroying, without realizing it, some important species.
Respect the area, contribute to the conservation of its natural values.
If you see any violation of this code of conduct or other activities that may be a risk to this habitat, please contact local authorities.
Avoid taking pets, as they may disturb local biodiversity. If you take any animal with you, the use of a leash is mandatory.
Avoid approaching and/or disturbing birds at nesting time (spring), particularly where there are colonies/groups.


The best times of day to do birdwatching are early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Take a telescope and/or binoculars and don't get too close to the lagoons, otherwise you scare away birds or other animals.



Reptiles and amphibians


Rare flora

Damasonium bourgaei
This is a very rare species that occurs in lagoons, ponds and temporarily flooded places. The largest known population in Portugal is precisely here, in the Alagoas Brancas.
Illustration from: Marcos Oliveira
Elatine macropoda
This plant, which is rare in Portugal, occurs in shallow meadows on the banks of ponds and lagoons, in rice paddies and on damp or temporarily waterlogged soils. In Portugal it occurs on the Vicentine coast, in some locations in the interior of Alentejo and in some locations in the centre and north-east of Portugal.
Illustration from: Marcos Oliveira
The community of amphibious plants existing in Alagoas Brancas depends on cycles of drought and flood. They have a terrestrial phase and an aquatic phase, adapting a form of life in the presence of water and another form of life in the dry season.
The fact that these plants coexist makes Alagoas Brancas a very special and rare biome, unique in Portugal. In the world there are only 5 places in the Mediterranean region with this same rare community of species together.
Lythrum tribracteatum
Lythrum tribracteatum
This very rare small herbaceous plant has a lilac flower that blooms between June and September. It occurs in riparian habitats on sandy-clay soils. It is found in very few places on the Algarve coast and in the limestone west centre of Portugal.
Crypsis aculeata
Common pricklegrass
This plant is uncommon in mainland Portugal, with only a few locations referenced. It occurs on the coast of the eastern Algarve and is native to places subject to temporary waterlogging by fresh or brackish waters, which dry out during the summer season.
Cressa cretica
Cretan Alkaliweed
This small creeping plant belonging to the convolvulaceae is very rare and can be found in marshes and on sandy, salty soils. It is considered a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory properties.

Alagoas Brancas guide

For your convenience, we provide the complete park guide in PDF format, where you will find all the information available on our website, including details about the fauna and flora.
Download the entire guide
You can download this guide with information in Portuguese and English (PDF).


Associação Almargem
Praceta Julião Quintinha, Lote A, R/C Esquerdo, 8100-545 Loulé
+351 289 412 959
Call to the national landline network
+351 925 481 986
Call to the national mobile network
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